leaves of three, will you remember me?
Linen fabric, synthetic thread, cotton embroidery thread, and pine wood frame. 50cm x 86 cm.
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Made in collaboration with twenty-four participants through two workshops hosted at the Kortright Centre for Conservation, Woodbridge, ON, in the Summer of 2021. leaves of three, will you remember me? is a community quilt that explores the confusing experience of knowing an identification rhyme for a plant, while still feeling unable to point it out among others that grow at the edges of our pathways and parks in urban environments. This workshop series focused on connecting ourselves to poison ivy, past the warning labels and into a space of appreciation for this feared plant. We are thankful for each participant’s curiosity about the land we live upon and openness to share, learn, and try new things. Without them this artwork would not have been possible.
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Other Notes:
- This work is in the permanent collection of the Kortright Centre for Conservation, Woodbridge, ON.
- A larger artist statement is available, written by Simone Granieri, a spokesperson for the Kortright Centre, upon request.
- Graphic designer Vibeke Silverthorne designed the poster for the 2021 workshop series: leaves of three, will you remember me?, along with a poison ivy zine that is available upon request.